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Postgraduate Studies

Spiritual Theology


The goal of the studies is to explore the heritage of the Church’s spiritual tradition and theological reflection. Thanks to this, the students will be able to better understand their faith, themselves, and also people with whom they live, work and meet.


Modern psychology has discovered many mechanisms which direct human actions from within the psyche, often beyond the border of consciousness. Sociology has shown the same mechanisms in relation to external determinants: social and cultural patterns. For a while these teachings seemed to replace the old spiritual tradition as they better describe human behaviour than religion does. However, today it is already known that this is not the case. On the other hand, there seems to be more and more of the so called spiritual life guides, often of very dubious quality, referring (though chaotically, selectively, and superficially) to various traditions. Sometimes we can even get the impression that the further a tradition is from Christianity, the higher it is valued. The best answer to this situation is a thorough study of the spiritual traditions of Christianity, taking into consideration the achievements of psychology, sociology and other studies of humanity, but remaining unimposed by their language and their view of man as definite.


A graduate of Postgraduate Studies in Spiritual Theology has in-depth knowledge of topics related to the broadly understood knowledge of Christian spirituality, spiritual theology, and the history of spirituality. The graduate is equipped with the competencies and appropriate skills to act in the following sub-areas: formulating critical opinions on the phenomena of contemporary spirituality; using the centuries-old heritage of Christian spirituality in arranging various activities undertaken in Catholic movements and communities; using the norms and rules of the Catholic Church to solve specific problems; the ability to plan and innovatively solve complex problems related to the evangelisation and formation activity of the Catholic Church; the use of basic principles of spiritual direction; the foundations of the Church’s evangelising and pastoral activity on a solid foundation of Christian spirituality and fundamental doctrinal truths; seeking justification for various spiritual activities in the Church’s Tradition, theology, and anthropology; supporting the pastors and leaders of Catholic communities and movements in their pastoral activity; supporting people in spiritual discernment; supporting the pastoral care of the Church towards specialist groups.

During the studies, the students learn the history of Christian spirituality; natural, biblical and dogmatic foundations of spirituality; various dimensions of human spiritual activity in the Tradition of the Church; the spirituality of the new evangelisation and new Catholic movements; foundations of spiritual discernment.

The students gain in-depth knowledge of spirituality and develop their skills during practicals as well as their own activities and reading. Thanks to this, the students are able to arrange religious activities in the Church, care for a healthy spirituality of movements, communities and associations. At the same time, the students can support people in making decisions and recognising problem situations. In the context of disorders, they have the basic ability to distinguish between what is spiritual and what belongs to an emotional or psychiatric dysfunction.

After completing the studies:

  • you will have knowledge of the heritage of the spiritual tradition and theological reflection of the Church
    thanks to this, you will be able to better understand your faith, yourself, and your fellow men.
  • you will have the ability to arrange for the spiritual development of people.
  • The studies do not provide qualifications to undertake specialist counselling.


The curriculum covers three areas:


At the beginning, there is a historical and systematic lecture on the theological treatise “Spiritual Theology”, also accessible to persons who did not graduate any theological studies, but still retain university character. It will present the greatest figures, schools, and currents of Christian spirituality. An absolutely necessary introduction to the study of spiritual theology is a lecture on Christian anthropology: presenting, in comparison with the European philosophical traditions, the Christian vision of man. Another element is the presentation of the phenomena of spiritual life characteristic for the twentieth century and the present day, including religious movements and the greatest figures of this period. The students will gain knowledge in the field of the centuries-old experience of the Church and acquire the ability to use the available literature in his or her pastoral tasks.


The next component of the programme will be the presentation of the sustenance of spiritual life of a Christian: The Holy Bible as a spiritual text; prayer – through the study of its great masters; liturgy as an inalienable element of spiritual life. Topics related to internal dynamics, the development of spiritual life and threats to the health of a Christian’s soul cannot be overlooked as well. Spiritual reading of the Holy Bible requires, at least a brief introduction to the methods of work and the results of modern Bible study. Of course, a Christian lives in the Church, this belonging to the Church has, above all, a spiritual dimension, so this topic will also be taken up during the studies. Mysticism is also a special manifestation of the spiritual life, therefore Christian mysticism will be presented: its theological foundations, types, and the greatest mystics. Great masters are guides in the spiritual life. Introduction to reading of the greatest works of spiritual literature will therefore be one of the main elements of the lecture. The listener will acquire the ability to use the sources of Revelation and the ways of showing this heritage to others.


Finally, the studies take up the issues of practical application: questions about the spiritual dimension of life in various situations in which we have been or will be confronted: in a family, in a community or in a lonely life; at work, in a pluralistic and religiously indifferent society, in public life, in health and illness, in the face of death. The dimension of spiritual discernment is important as well; this is one of the important aspects of Christian traditions. The studies will discuss, theoretically and practically, issues in the field of spiritual discernment. Thanks to the classes, the student will learn how to accompany people in their life situations, show them support and motivate them to live a mature life.


The lecturers are employees of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia in Katowice, as well as specialists in psychology, spiritual and pastoral work undertaken by lay people. Thanks to this, it is possible to familiarise oneself with different views on Christian spirituality, especially the Catholic one.

Among the lecturers there are: Rev. Przemysław Sawa, PhD, Marek Wójtowicz, PhD, DLitt, Anna Maliszewska, PhD, Karolina Dobies, PhD, Rev. Prof. Jerzy Szymik, Rev. Jacek Kempa, PhD, DSc, Rev. Prof. A. Malina, Rev. Prof. Jan Słomka, Rev. Ireneusz Celary, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof., Rev. Antoni Bartoszek, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof., Aleksander Bańka, PhD, DLitt, Monika Kudziełka-Lwowska, PhD, bishop Adam Wodarczyk, PhD, Mariola Kozubek, PhD, Rev. Arkadiusz Wuwer, PhD, DSc.


Number of semesters: 2

Organisation of classes:
The classes take place on Fridays from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., once a month.

Graduation criteria:
In order to complete postgraduate studies, a student must pass all the exams with positive grades and submit all written assignments. The final grade for the studies is an average of all grades.

Graduation document:
Postgraduate diploma issued by the University of Silesia in Katowice.


The studies are addressed to clergy and lay persons as well as friars who want to deepen their knowledge of Christian spirituality. The students will gain skills in conducting various spiritual meetings as well as spiritual support for people in specific life situations.

Admission process:
Apply online
Electronic admission process in Online Application System (IRK) on the dates specified in Online Application System (IRK). Choose and proceed according to the instructions.

Admission criteria:
Candidates are admitted to studies according to:
– interview on the motivation of the choice of studies
– submitting a complete set of documents to the dean’s office.

Planned date of beginning of classes: October 2021


After being admitted to postgraduate studies, you may start your studies, subject to paying the fee for postgraduate studies. Payments should be made to the student’s individual account, within the deadlines specified in the agreement.


Head of Postgraduate Studies
Rev. Przemysław Sawa, PhD

Secretary Office
Ludmiła Lach-Bartlik
Tel. 32 35690 56 internal number 135

Faculty of Theology
40-043 Katowice
ul. Jordana 18