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Postgraduate Studies

Special Education in the field of Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (Oligophrenopedagogy) for Special Education Teachers


The goal of the studies is to familiarise students with the basic theoretical and practical issues related to the education and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities, in particular to equip them with knowledge about intellectual disability, the development and functioning of people with disabilities and their specific educational, emotional and social needs. An important aspect of the studies is also shaping the interpersonal skills of the pedagogue, and above all, acquainting him with the methodological workshop and equipping him with practical skills in designing and conducting classes with people with disabilities (with a particular emphasis on intellectual disabilities).


The studies are addressed to special education teachers (of various majors) who want to obtain additional qualifications to work with a student with a disability within a major other than their current one – education and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities (formerly oligophrenopedagogy).

The curriculum includes classes aimed at expanding knowledge about disability and shaping practical skills in designing and implementing didactic, educational, caregiving and therapeutic classes, as well as diagnosing the possibilities and needs of people with disabilities.


The graduate is equipped with reliable, in-depth interdisciplinary knowledge within groups of pedagogical and psychological modules. The graduate is qualified to work with students with intellectual disabilities in a special education school: departments for students with moderate and severe intellectual disability, severe intellectual disability (revalidation and educational classes), as well as revalidation classes in public, inclusive and special education schools; may act as a teacher co-organising the education process in inclusion departments; an educator and a guardian in other caregiving and therapeutic institutions.

The graduate of the specialisation has systematized and extended knowledge in the field of special education and its contemporary concepts, in particular the education and therapy of people with intellectual disabilities; theory of special education; social and professional functioning of people with disabilities in various stages of life, as well as economic and legal conditions of education and social rehabilitation; organisation of the education system and upbringing as well as social policy instruments for people with disabilities; human development in psychological and social terms; early intervention for child development; has systematic knowledge of working methods used in relation to intellectual disability and the possibility of their effective use, has in-depth knowledge of the methodology of working with people with mild, moderate, severe and profound intellectual disability.

In terms of skills, the graduate is able to use interdisciplinary knowledge in order to conduct scientific research and independently solve theoretical and practical problems; create individual development programmes and design diagnostic and didactic tools for work with children, adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities; design and conduct diagnosis and therapy of the discussed group of people.

The graduate knows and is able to use appropriate methods within special methodologies, adequately to the degree and type of disability as well as educational, rehabilitation, and therapeutic needs.


During the studies, classes in the field of oligophrenopedagogy are conducted, including: the basics of typhlo-pedagogy, medical aspects of education and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities with elements of therapeutic pedagogy, alternative and supporting communication, early support for child’s development and, methodology of education and training of students with intellectual disabilities with moderate and severe intellectual disability.


Classes are conducted by qualified staff of the University of Silesia with both qualifications and competencies in the field of deaf education, as well as teachers, therapists – practitioners, cooperating with the University of Silesia under contracts with external stakeholders.


Number of semesters: 3
Number of hours: 540 hours (including internship)

Organisation of classes:
Classes take place on Friday (from 3 p.m.), on Saturday and Sunday – two sessions per month on the average. A small part of the practical classes takes place on Friday from 9 a.m.

Graduation criteria:
In order to complete postgraduate studies, a student must defend the diploma thesis.

Graduation document:
Postgraduate diploma issued by the University of Silesia in Katowice.


The studies are addressed to special education teachers (with qualifications in special education) who want to obtain additional qualifications in the major of education and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities.
The curriculum is focused on shaping competences to work with people with disabilities, with particular emphasis on the indicated group of people in special, inclusive and public schools, and on individual teaching, as well as in other institutions undertaking the care and therapy of people with intellectual disabilities.

Admission process:
Apply online
Electronic admission process in Online Application System (IRK) on the dates specified in Online Application System (IRK). Choose and proceed according to the instructions.

Admission criteria:
Candidates are admitted to studies according to the registration order and the result of the admission procedure (if it was conducted).

Planned date of beginning of classes: October 2021


After being admitted to postgraduate studies, you may start your studies, subject to paying the fee for postgraduate studies. Payments should be made to the student’s individual account, within the deadlines specified in the agreement.


Head of Postgraduate Studies
Prof. Zenon Gajdzica
tel. 508 87 64 54

Secretary Office
Aleksandra Kobielus

Faculty of Arts and Educational Science
43-400 Cieszyn
ul. Bielska 62
Tel. 33 8546371